Believe it or not, we be watching ya’ll. We follow your individual wave journeys so well that I can look at the back of a head and tell you who the waver is. With that being said, we really have been paying attention to this waver…
Her name is @mayarosephillips, and she has consistently been one of the strongest female wavers on social media. Not only that, but she’s from South Carolina so that’s automatic bonus points that helped her to become our waver of the month for October.

Not only is she active on Instagram, but Maya also has a YouTube channel with hair care tips, lifestyle content, etc.
We appreciate and recognize your hard work and persistent hair care Maya! 💎
If you want to be featured on our page or blog, please feel free to shoot us a DM on Instagram! We’re going to be bringing back WOTM and a few other rewarding contests and things in the near future.
And ALWAYS use the EveryWaver app to stay on top of your wave game cause we watching you! 🫵🏾