How to Get 360 Waves FAST: A Step-by-Step Process to Achieving The Prestigious Hair Style

Achieving 360 waves is more than just a hairstyle—it’s a lifestyle. The sleek, spinning waves that encircle the head require commitment, patience, and a well-structured routine. The result, however, is a striking look that not only enhances your appearance but also showcases your dedication to grooming. This in-depth guide will walk you through the entire process of how to get 360 waves, from the fundamentals to advanced techniques that will refine and perfect your waves over time. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance your current waves, this guide is designed to help you every step of the way.

What Are 360 Waves?

I’m sure we all know this already, but just in case you don’t know, 360 waves, often referred to simply as “waves,” are a popular hairstyle for men with coarse or curly hair. The style is characterized by a series of deep, continuous waves that spiral out from the crown of the head, creating a ripple effect that gives the appearance of circular motion around the head. This look is achieved through consistent brushing, proper hair care, and the strategic use of hair products. The process of getting 360 waves is a commitment to both technique and maintenance, but the results can be incredibly rewarding.

Understanding the 360 Waves Brushing Technique

The core of the 360 waves journey lies in mastering the brushing technique. Brushing trains your hair to lay flat and form the wave pattern that encircles your head. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to brush your hair effectively to get 360 waves. If you want to go above and beyond, you can check out one of our previous articles on The Do’s and Don’ts of Brushing 360 Waves:

1. Preparing Your Hair

Before you even pick up a brush, it’s essential to prepare your hair properly. Clean, well-moisturized hair responds better to brushing and is easier to train into waves.

  • Washing: Begin by washing your hair with a wave-friendly shampoo and conditioner. This will remove dirt, oil, and buildup that can hinder the wave-forming process. Choose products that are sulfate-free to avoid stripping your hair of its natural oils.
  • Drying: After washing, gently pat your hair dry with a towel until it’s slightly damp. Avoid rubbing your hair vigorously, as this can cause frizz and disrupt the natural curl pattern. Damp hair is more malleable, making it easier to train into waves.

2. Brushing the Top

The top of your head is where the wave pattern begins, so it’s crucial to start here.

  • Technique: Begin at the crown (the swirl at the back of your head) and brush straight forward toward your forehead. Ensure that your strokes are even and consistent, using the natural grain of your hair as a guide.
  • Consistency: Brush the top for at least 5-10 minutes to establish a solid wave pattern. The more you brush, the better your waves will form.

3. Brushing the Sides

The sides of your head are just as important as the top, as they contribute to the circular wave pattern.

  • Technique: Brush downward from the crown toward your ears. This helps create the seamless, 360-degree wave pattern that wraps around your entire head.
  • Angle Control: Pay attention to the angle at which you’re brushing. Consistent angles across both sides will ensure a uniform wave pattern.

4. Brushing the Back

The back of your head is often the most challenging area, but it’s essential for a complete 360 wave pattern.

  • Technique: Brush from the crown downward toward your neck. Be thorough, as neglecting this area can lead to gaps in your wave pattern.
  • Mirror Assistance: Use a hand mirror to check the back of your head while brushing to ensure that you’re covering the entire area evenly.

5. Brushing Frequency

Brushing is the cornerstone of achieving 360 waves, and consistency is key.

  • Daily Routine: Aim to brush your hair for at least 30 minutes each day. You can break this into shorter sessions if needed, but make sure you’re brushing consistently throughout the day.
  • Advanced Brushing: As your waves start to form, you can introduce more brushing sessions, particularly after applying moisturizer or pomade, to further enhance the wave pattern.

The Importance of Moisturizing, Washing, and Conditioning

Moisture is the lifeblood of healthy hair, and this is especially true when you’re working on developing 360 waves. Proper moisturizing and conditioning keep your hair soft, manageable, and more responsive to brushing.

1. Choosing the Right Products

The products you use will have a significant impact on the quality of your waves.

  • Wave Pomades: These are specially formulated to help hair hold its shape while adding shine. Look for pomades that offer a good balance between hold and moisture.
  • Moisturizers: Keeping your hair hydrated is crucial. Opt for products that are lightweight yet effective in maintaining moisture throughout the day.
  • Natural Oils: Oils like coconut, argan, and shea butter are excellent for adding an extra layer of moisture and shine. They also help in keeping your scalp healthy, which is vital for wave formation.

2. Daily Moisturizing Routine

To get the best results, establish a daily moisturizing routine.

  • Application: Apply a small amount of moisturizer to your hair daily. Start with a dime-sized amount, working it evenly through your hair to ensure full coverage.
  • Balance: Avoid over-applying products, as too much can weigh your hair down and lead to buildup, which can make your hair greasy and counterproductive to wave formation.

3. Conditioning

Conditioning is a crucial step that should not be overlooked.

  • Leave-In Conditioner: Use a leave-in conditioner to keep your hair soft and manageable. This type of conditioner provides lasting moisture, which is essential for maintaining waves.
  • Deep Conditioning: Incorporate deep conditioning treatments once or twice a week. Deep conditioners penetrate the hair shaft, providing moisture and nutrients that help keep your hair strong and resilient.

4. Wash and Style

This just might be the single most important piece of information that you read on this guide. A “wash and style” is a specific hair care routine used by people with 360 waves to clean and define their waves while minimizing frizz and maintaining wave pattern definition. This method combines washing the hair with proper brushing and styling techniques to ensure the waves stay intact and well-defined. We went into great detail about the wash and style method in a previous article if you want to get technical, but here’s a more condensed breakdown of the process. You can also watch the YouTube video below if you’re more of a visual learner. A lot of wavers execute this process in a variety of ways, but the best examples that we can provide are (of course) from the GOAT 360 Jeezy and EveryWaver:

Steps for a Wash and Style:

Pre-Wash Preparation:

  • Detangle Your Hair: Before washing, it’s important to detangle your hair using a soft brush to remove any knots or loose hairs.
  • Apply a Moisturizer or Oil: Applying a light moisturizer or oil helps protect your hair from getting too dry during the washing process.


  • Wet Your Hair: Thoroughly wet your hair with warm water.
  • Apply Shampoo: Use a wave-friendly shampoo, preferably sulfate-free to avoid stripping natural oils. Apply it to your hair, focusing on the scalp.
  • Brush in Shampoo: With the shampoo in your hair, take a medium-hard brush and start brushing in the direction of your wave pattern (forward on the top, diagonally on the sides, and downward on the back).
  • Rinse: After brushing, rinse out the shampoo thoroughly with warm water.


  • Apply Conditioner: Apply a conditioner to your hair to add moisture and softness.
  • Brush with Conditioner: While the conditioner is still in your hair, brush again following your wave pattern to ensure your waves remain defined.
  • Rinse: Rinse out the conditioner with cool water to help seal the hair cuticles and enhance wave definition.


  • Drying: Pat your hair dry with a microfiber towel or a soft T-shirt to avoid frizz.
  • Apply Styling Product: Apply a wave-friendly styling product such as pomade, wave cream, or a leave-in conditioner to enhance wave formation.
  • Brush and Lay Down: Brush your hair thoroughly in the direction of your wave pattern to distribute the product evenly and further define the waves.
  • Durag or Wave Cap: Immediately after brushing, put on a durag or wave cap to lay down your waves and help them set while your hair dries.

Final Touches:

  • Let It Set: Keep the durag or wave cap on until your hair is completely dry. This will help lock in the waves and reduce frizz.
  • Remove Durag and Brush: Once your hair is dry, remove the durag and lightly brush your hair to bring out the waves.

Benefits of a Wash and Style:

  • Maintains Wave Pattern: This method keeps your wave pattern intact while thoroughly cleaning your hair.
  • Reduces Frizz: The process minimizes frizz and helps your waves lay flat.
  • Moisturizes and Conditions: Using conditioner and styling products ensures your hair stays moisturized and healthy.

A wash and style routine is ESSENTIAL and CRITICAL for anyone serious about maintaining 360 waves, as it keeps your waves looking fresh, defined, and healthy.

Durags: The Secret to Locking in Your Waves

A durag is more than just a fashion statement; it’s a crucial tool in the wave-making process. It helps keep your hair compressed and locked in place, which is essential for developing deep, well-defined waves.

1. When to Wear a Durag

Understanding when and how to wear your durag can make a big difference in your wave journey.

  • After Brushing: Always wear a durag immediately after brushing your hair. The compression helps set the waves in place, preventing them from getting disturbed.
  • During Sleep: Wearing a durag while you sleep is non-negotiable. It protects your wave pattern from being flattened or disturbed by your pillow.
  • Throughout the Day: When you’re not actively brushing or moisturizing, wearing a durag can help maintain the progress you’ve made.

2. How to Tie a Durag

Properly tying your durag is essential to its effectiveness.

  • Positioning: Place the durag on your head with the seam facing outward. This prevents the seam from creating a line in your waves.
  • Tying: Tie the strings at the back of your head, ensuring they’re snug but not too tight. A secure but comfortable fit is key.
  • Coverage: Make sure the durag covers all your hair, especially the crown area. This ensures that your entire wave pattern is being compressed evenly.

3. Types of Durags

The material of your durag matters, as different materials offer different benefits.

  • Silk Durags: Silk or satin durags are the best choices for 360 waves. These materials minimize friction, retain moisture, and help maintain the smoothness and shine of your waves.
  • Velvet Durags: While velvet durags are thicker and offer more compression, they can sometimes cause your head to overheat. They are best used during the wolfing phase or in colder weather.
  • Mesh Durags: These are lighter and more breathable, making them a good option for warmer climates or if you tend to sweat a lot.

Wolfing: The Key to Deeper Waves

Wolfing is a technique that involves growing your hair out while continuing to brush and maintain your wave pattern. It’s an advanced step in the wave journey that, when done correctly, can lead to deeper, more defined waves.

1. What Is Wolfing?

Wolfing is a period where you allow your hair to grow longer than usual without cutting it. This extra length helps to enhance the depth and definition of your waves. We previously covered wolfing with a quick little wolfing guide that you can find here.

  • Duration: The typical wolfing period lasts anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on how fast your hair grows and how deep you want your waves to be.
  • Purpose: The purpose of wolfing is to give your waves more volume, allowing them to form deeper ridges that will stand out more prominently once you cut your hair.

2. How to Wolf Successfully

Successfully wolfing requires dedication and a slightly different approach to your wave routine.

  • Brushing During Wolfing: As your hair grows, it will become more difficult to manage. Increase your brushing time and switch to a firmer brush to reach the roots and maintain the wave pattern.
  • Maintaining Moisture: Longer hair requires more moisture. Make sure you’re using enough moisturizer to keep your hair soft and manageable, but avoid overloading it with product.
  • Durag Use: During wolfing, it’s even more important to wear your durag consistently to compress the longer hair and keep the waves intact.

3. When to End Your Wolfing Period

Knowing when to end your wolfing period is crucial to achieving the best results.

Signs: If your hair becomes too difficult to manage or starts losing its wave pattern despite regular brushing, it might be time to end the wolfing phase.

  • Haircut: When you’re ready to end your wolfing period, get a haircut that reduces your hair to your desired length. A 1.5 or 2 guard is typically recommended for maintaining the wave pattern while reducing bulk.

Bonus Tip – Use the wolf tracker tool on the EveryWaver app to keep track of your wolfing efforts.

The EveryWaver app provides a free tool called the “Wolf Tracker” that helps you keep count of how many days and weeks you’ve been wolfing. Often times we forget how long it’s been since our last cut, but the wolf tracker eliminates that problem. Wolfing waves can be complicated, so the wolf tracker also provides you with tips along the way depending on what stage of the wolfing process you’re on.

Wolfing can get kind of complicated, there are plenty of YouTube videos that cover more of the technicalities of it. Here’s a great video from 360 Jeezy covering all of the details below:

Maintaining Your 360 Waves

After putting in all the effort to get your 360 waves, maintaining them is essential to keep them looking sharp and defined.

1. Daily Routine

A consistent daily routine will help keep your waves in top shape.

  • Morning Brush Session: Start your day with a quick brush session to refresh your waves. This helps lay down any hair that may have shifted while you slept.
  • Moisturize: Apply a light moisturizer in the morning to keep your hair hydrated and looking shiny.
  • Durag On the Go: Carry a durag with you in case you need to protect your waves throughout the day, especially if you’re going to be active or exposed to harsh weather conditions.

2. Weekly Maintenance

In addition to your daily routine, weekly maintenance will ensure your waves stay on point.

  • Deep Condition: Give your hair a deep conditioning treatment once a week to keep it healthy and resilient.
  • Trim: Depending on how fast your hair grows, you might need to get a trim every 2-3 weeks to maintain the wave pattern and keep your hair at the ideal length.

3. Avoiding Common Mistakes

To keep your 360 waves looking their best, avoid these COMMON mistakes.

  • Over-Brushing: While brushing is key, over-brushing can cause hair breakage and scalp irritation. Stick to your routine and avoid excessive brushing.
  • Skipping Durag: Never skip wearing your durag at night. It’s essential for keeping your waves intact and preventing frizz.
  • Product Overload: Using too many products can weigh down your hair and make it greasy. Find the right balance to keep your waves light and defined.

If you want to read more about all of the mistakes that most wavers make, refer to this post on “The 7 Deadly Wave Killers”.

You’re on your way to becoming an Elite Waver!

Getting 360 waves is a journey that requires time, dedication, and a well-planned routine. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the perfect wave pattern that will turn heads and showcase your commitment to grooming. Remember, consistency is key. Keep brushing, moisturizing, and protecting your waves, and over time, you’ll see the deep, spinning waves you’ve been working toward.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing waves, the process of how to get 360 waves is a rewarding challenge that pays off with a distinctive and stylish look. Stay patient, stay focused, and enjoy the journey to becoming an elite waver!

For more in-depth guides on 360 waves, brushing, wolfing, etc., download the free EveryWaver app for your Android or iPhone. You can also give us a follow on Instagram, where we post different tips and tricks for bettering your waves (and just your overall hair in general).