In case you didn’t know, EveryWaver has been a pioneer in the wave game since late 2019. Back then things were simple. We were just starting out our brand, new to social media, didn’t have a website, didn’t have an app, didn’t have a following, didn’t have nothing really. But about a month into things, we started picking up on the trends and joined Instagram. It’s not like this was the first time that we had used social media, but when starting a fresh brand from the ground up you really have to get back to the basics that sometimes aren’t as critical for established brands.
At that time we were struggling to make a name for ourselves because the wave pages were extremely over saturated, we struggled to find an image, and most frustratingly we struggled to find genuine followers who supported us as a business and not just another platform to “post my waves” on. But as the weeks passed by we started to gain traction, and we stumbled upon a genuine waver from Texas by the name KelvinSoWavy who frequently popped up in our notifications. We could tell that Kelvin was very much interested in our movement, because not only was he one of our top supporters on Instagram and Twitter, but he was also one of the few active users of our app. At that point we knew that Kelvin was a real one, who appreciated our vision for the wave game and also just appreciates the wave game himself. Since then (over a year now), Kelvin and EveryWaver have built an online relationship that has really showed us the power of social media.
With this month being November, it had us thinking about what we are thankful for. Of course there are the typical things like health, family, jobs, etc., but to be honest we gotta be thankful for Kelvin. This is a cool dude who has blasted EveryWaver all over his social media solely out of pure love for our brand and movement.

We recently decided to feature @kelvinsowavy on our blog so we caught up with him for a short written interview to let everyone meet the Texas waver and get to know him a little more. This is a cool dude. Check the interview below:
EveryWaver – How did you get into waves?
Kelvin – I started waving when I was 10 years old. Growing up I always saw pictures of my dad with waves and he was killing it. That gave me motivation to try doing it myself.
EveryWaver – “What are some of your favorite hair care products?”
Kelvin – My favorite hair products are; 360 style pomade, Rollercoaster wave cream, Wave builder brush n’ style cream, coconut oil, olive oil, and argon oil.

EveryWaver – “What is your definition of an elite waver?”
Kelvin – My definition of an elite waver is someone who been doing it at the highest level possible. One who can always take it to a higher level. That’s my definition.
EveryWaver – “Who is your favorite waver of all time?”
Kelvin – My favorite waver has to be Nick Wavy because he gets straight to the point when it comes to waves, very informative, and he just tells it like it is.
EveryWaver – What are some of your hobbies outside of waving?
Kelvin – My favorite hobbies outside of waving are; spending time with friends and family, playing football and basketball, watch movies (especially true stories and documentaries), and reading.
EveryWaver – “What are some of your favorite foods?”
Kelvin – My favorite foods are pizza, chicken Alfredo, fish, baked and fried chicken, BBQ, and nachos.
EveryWaver – “What are your honest thoughts about the EveryWaver app?”
Kelvin – EveryWaver app is the best thing out in the wave game right now!!!
EveryWaver – “Let the people know how they can reach you on social media”
Kelvin – You can catch me on snapchat: k.brock22, Twitter: k_brock18, Instagram: kelvinsowavy and everywaver app: kelvinsowavy.
I’m also a brand ambassador of SmoothStylz360 you can shop with them for brushes and other merch. Use my code kelvinsowavy for 20% off. I’m also an ambassador for everywaver when it gets back running you can use my code kelvinsowavy for 10% off on everywaver merch only!!!