How to tie a durag – Basic Method

We all know that the durag is one of the key factors to getting 360 waves. Some like to wear it as fashion statements, but for a waver, the durag is critical to maintaining their 360 wave pattern and saving progress. A durag that is not tied properly can send your progress backwards, or leave you with dark lines on your forehead. The good news is that tying a Durag is STUPID easy. In this article, we’re going to teach you one of many ways How To Tie A Durag. There are many techniques, and everyone has their personal favorite way. But this is probably the most simple of them all.

0. Download the EveryWaver app – If you’re new to waving, or even an experienced veteran, the EveryWaver app has tools for you to manage not only how TO tie a durag but also how MUCH you wear a durag. The progress log is one of many features of our mobile app that allows you to input when you are taking on or off your durag, to give you a bigger picture of your efforts. Click here to download the app before you get started!

how to tie a durag for 360 waves

1. Place the durag on your head – Durags come in many types of fabrics. Most wavers prefer the silky durags that are both somewhat stretchy but still durable. This makes them more breathable when they’re tied tightly around your head. Line the center seams up with the center of your head for symmetry. Place the Durag so that the front edge sits between your eyebrows and your hairline. Make sure your hairline is covered. If you have sideburns, they should stick out underneath.

how to tie a durag for 360 waves

2. Wrap the ties behind the head – Take one tie in each hand. Pull both ties back behind the head so that they cross in an “X” behind the head.  Make sure to keep the ties FLAT. If you allow the ties to roll up, you are more likely to get those ugly durag lines on your forehead. And honestly, rolled up ties just don’t look clean. Pull the ties back on their respective sides of the head. The tie on the right-hand side should then be pulled back along the right side of the head. Ties should rest between the ear and the head so that the ears stay exposed. If you don’t want the ties to roll up like ropes, you can press them flat against your head as you pull them and wrap them.

360 waves silky durag

3. Cross the ties in front of the head – Once you’ve crossed the ties in the back of your head, pull them back in front. Make sure they cross in the center of your forehead. Then pull them all the way to the back of your head. To make sure they are lying flat, you can smooth them out at this point also.If you don’t want to get headaches don’t pull the straps too tight.

360 waves durag

4. Tie the knot – Tie the straps into a knot at the back of your head. It should sit at the base of your skull. Tie it as though you’re tying a bow or a knot. Tying the knot is NOT a means for compression, this step is simply just to keep the durag in place on your head. Ideally, you’ll want to tie this knot as loose as possible, but still tight enough to where your durag doesn’t shift in position and can sit snug on your head.

5. Pull down on the back flap – This is a key step that is often overlooked with beginner wavers. The flap will now be hanging down your neck underneath the ties. You need to pull it down as though you’re trying to get it to touch your back. This will tighten the durag and give that extra bit of compression on your hair, especially in the back. The more you pull down, the more compression you’ll get but be careful to not pull/tie too tight or else you could end up with a headache.

And there you have it, you just tied your durag! Again, this is the most basic way of how to tie a durag. Check back later for more posts with other methods! Until then, here’s one of our most favorite videos about different ways to tie a durag by none other than 360 Jeezy!